Monday 13 January 2014

My Mum's Scones

I have attempted various internet based scone recipes, and have failed miserably in them all (alright... I might not have followed the recipes exactly) But they never come out as well as my mum's.

So here's her recipe (verbatim!)

"I tend to use 8 oz. s.r. flour (and a splosh of baking powder if I have it handy) with 2 oz. margarine. When it's mixed, bung in a couple of tablespoons of sugar (not too much - otherwise it comes out like cake!)  I then mix an egg with some milk and water (and put in a dash of vanilla essence) to make a fairly moist consistency.  Apparently it needs to be fairly moist to make the scones rise properly.  I never roll it out - just gently pat it out onto the worksurface and cut out circles to bake in a fairly hot oven.
As you can tell, I'd never have made a scientist!!"

And they worked!!!

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