Sunday, 18 January 2015


I always thought profiteroles were hard to make... They're sooooo easy! (Thanks, James Martin!)

You don't need me to write the recipe out again, do you?

Butter (I used marg, bad Katy...)

Melt the butter and sugar together in the water.

Add the flour and salt and beat together like billio.

Keep beating!

Transfer to clean bowl, and leave to cool for 15 minutes or so.
Add the beaten eggs one at a time.
Until it starts to resemble a smooth paste.
Beat it!
Prepare a piping bag with a large gauge nozzle.
Yes, I do this in a pint glass. That's not odd.

Pipe into "ball" shapes on lined tray. Ball-ish shapes.
Use a dampened finger to flatten the pointy bits. And don't use a greased tray like I did. That doesn't work.

Bake until golden brown, then poke a hole in the bottoms and allow to crisp back in the oven.
When they've cooled, fill with cream
Drizzle with the chocolate sauce.
Eat the while they're still fresh and crisp!

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