Friday, 20 June 2014



Well this was jolly good fun!
I had some problems with photos - most of the time my hands were too sticky or oily to take photos, and when they weren't my SD card decided to randomly delete things. Most annoying.


500g Strong Flour
10g Salt
14g Instant Yeast
400ml Cool Water
45ml Olive Oil (plus extra for rolling)
2 tablespoons well chopped rosemary (optional)
Rosemary sprigs to top
Sea Salt
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (to drizzle)

1. Measure out the flour into a bowl - add the salt and yeast at opposite sides of the bowl, and add the chopped rosemary - whisk together.

2. Add about 300ml of the water and the oil, and stir together with your hand in a claw shape.

3. As the mixture begins to come together add the remainder of the water and continue to mix until you have a big gloopy mess.

I didn't really appreciate quite how gloopy this would be...

 4. Tip the dough onto an oiled surface and knead, pushing the mixture away with the heel of your hand, stretching it, and folding it back on itself, rotating 90 degrees and repeating.

5. Repeat.


6. Repeat.
7. Repeat some more... (Hollywood says 5-10 minutes, longer for a beginner. I managed at least half an hour before becoming extremely bored, and covered in dough... There was much scraping, and much re-oiling. Maybe that's where I went wrong...)

 I'd recommend just watching  GBBO for this bit
8. When the dough it smooth and stretchy and forms a ball, place it into an oiled dish or tray, and cover with cling film. Leave to prove until doubled in size.

Not really the "smooth dough" he was talking about

Keep an eye on it... this is far more than doubled.
And while your finding your camera it will try to escape.
 9. When doubled, tip it back onto a freshly oiled surface and knock the air out.

10. Grease a large baking tray (or two smaller ones) with plenty of olive oil, and place the dough into the trays, stretching it out to fill the whole space.


11. Leave to prove again, for about an hour. Heat oven to 220oC.

The dimpled photo has vanished... you'll have to use your imagination.
12. When doubled in height poke holes in the bread with your fingers. Really poke it hard. Right the way to the bottom. Sprinkle with sea salt and poke sprigs of rosemary into the dimples. Drizzle with yet more oil.
13. Bake for 20 minutes, until golden and crisp.
14. Remove from oven, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil, and place on a wire rack to cool. (Don't leave it in the tray... it will go soggy)


This was my first attempt. I cut it in two, but used a big tray, so put both parts on. Which made it bulgy looking. And I forgot to dimple. And the salt. And the rosemary. Still tasted very nice though!
And it has some irregular structure!!

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